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Tag Archives: Fianzas de Inmigración en Miami

Categories fianzas de inmigracion

Libertad bajo fianza de inmigración

A blue and white logo of speedy immigration bonds.

Cuando una persona ha sido detenida por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) y se ha fijado una fianza, puede solicitar la libertad bajo fianza de inmigración. Se trata de una forma de libertad temporal mientras espera la vista en el tribunal, siempre que se pague la fianza. La persona debe presentar una solicitud al Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) para poder optar a esta forma de libertad. Tras la aprobación, puede ser puesto en libertad una vez pagada la fianza.

Es importante tener en cuenta que si una persona no comparece en su audiencia ante el tribunal, la fianza se perderá y puede enfrentarse a otras consecuencias legales. Por lo tanto, es importante que las personas que soliciten la libertad bajo fianza de inmigración comprendan los riesgos asociados a este proceso. Además, debe saber que si una persona no dispone de los fondos necesarios para pagar la fianza por sí misma, las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro pueden ayudarle a recaudar dichos fondos.

Además de los documentos requeridos por el ICE, las personas también deben reunir toda la documentación pertinente relacionada con su caso antes de presentar una solicitud de fianza de inmigración. Esto podría incluir cualquier cosa, desde autorizaciones de empleo y copias de pasaportes hasta pruebas de vínculos dentro de la comunidad o pruebas de estabilidad financiera. Una vez que se reúnen todos los documentos y se presentan al ICE, normalmente se tomará una decisión en un plazo de 24 horas sobre la aprobación o denegación de la solicitud.

Si se aprueba, es crucial que las personas complete con todos los requisitos asociados con la liberación bajo fianza de inmigración, incluyendo la asistencia a todas las audiencias judiciales programadas y permanecer en contacto con los oficiales de ICE a lo largo de los procedimientos de su caso. Por otra parte, el incumplimiento de estas estipulaciones podría dar lugar a mayores consecuencias legales, incluyendo la cancelación del estatus legal, procedimientos de deportación o incluso cargos criminales dependiendo de la gravedad de la violación (s).

Salir en libertad bajo fianza de inmigración

Categories fianza de inmigracion

¿Qué es una Fianza de Inmigración? | Speedy Immigration Bonds

Una fianza de inmigración es una garantía financiera que se paga al gobierno para asegurar la liberación de una persona que está detenida por inmigración. La fianza tiene como objetivo asegurar que la persona comparecerá en todas las audiencias de inmigración requeridas y cumplirá con cualquier otra condición establecida por el gobierno. Si la persona no cumple con estas condiciones, la fianza podría ser perdida para el gobierno. Las fianzas de inmigración son establecidas por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y se utilizan para detener a personas que se encuentran ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos o que solicitan asilo. Son similares a las fianzas de fianza en el sistema de justicia penal.

¿Qué es una Fianza de Inmigración?

Categories Immigration bonds

Immigration Bail Bonds Services in Miami, FL

Looking for an immigration bail bond in Miami or any other part of Florida? You’ve come to the right place. At Speedy Immigration  Bonds, we specialize in providing quick and easy access to bail bonds for those facing deportation proceedings. We understand the complexities of the immigration system and how difficult it can be to deal with it, so we make it as simple as possible by offering professional and reliable service. Contact us today to learn more about our immigration bail bond services in Miami and throughout Florida!
Speedy Immigration bonds in Miami, Florida, can help individuals and families confined by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) secure their temporary release while they await their hearings. Typically, an immigration bond will be issued equivalent to the total cost of keeping the person in detention while awaiting their hearing. The Speedy Immigration Bail Bonds will then physically come to an ICE facility or courthouse and post this bond. This guarantees that those released on bail will be present for all subsequent hearings or risk forfeiting the bond.
In Miami, Florida, many people turn to immigration bail bonds to pay for the release of a loved one facing immigration charges. Immigration bail bonds are provided by specialized agents who understand the complexities of the immigration system and how to navigate it effectively. If you or someone you love is facing an immigration issue in the Miami, Florida, area, contact an experienced specialist for an immigration bail bond today.

Categories immigration bonds

Florida Immigration Bonds- Same Day Release | Speedy Immigration Bonds

People arrested in Florida may be eligible for an Immigration Bond. An Immigration Bond is a surety bond used to secure release from custody while the individual awaits their court date. The Department of Homeland Security offers Same-Day Release Immigration Bonds in Florida so individuals can be released quickly and resume their lives.

The amount of an Immigration Bond is determined by various factors, including the nature and severity of the offense and whether or not the individual has a prior criminal history. Generally speaking, most bonds range from $1,500 to $25,000. After an arrest, it’s essential for those affected to secure their release as soon as possible; however, the process can often be lengthy and complicated.

That’s why Same Day Release Immigration Bonds are so beneficial in Florida. With these bonds, individuals can secure their release within 24 hours after providing proof of identity and payment for the bond amount set by U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE). Additionally, any paperwork ICE requires must be submitted on or before the same day to ensure timely processing.

Florida Immigration Bonds- Same-Day Release

Categories immigration bonds

Florida immigration bail bonding | Speedy Immigration Bonds

The Immigration Bail Bond Process in Florida is complex, and it is crucial to understand the details. To start the process, an individual must first contact a licensed immigration bail bond agent in Florida. The agent will provide information, guidance, and support throughout the process.

The immigration bail bond agent will explain all the applicable laws and regulations related to immigration bail bonds. They will also help the individual determine if they are eligible for a bond, what type of bond might be available, and what the cost might be. The immigration bail bond agent will then assist with completing all necessary paperwork for filing an immigration bail bond application in Florida.

Once all the paperwork has been submitted, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency must approve or deny the application for an immigration bail bond. If approved by ICE, it will assign a set amount as collateral for release from custody while awaiting deportation proceedings. If denied, ICE will explain why they could not approve or set an amount of collateral and provide instructions on how to appeal their decision if appropriate.

It is important to note that successful completion of an immigration bail bond does not guarantee release from custody; instead, it is only a step towards possible freedom depending on various other factors, such as criminal background history and risk assessment by ICE officers. Once released from custody, individuals must comply with specific conditions associated with their release, such as appearing at court hearings when required or checking in regularly with local law enforcement agencies to remain legally in compliance with US immigration laws until their final disposition hearing can occur. What is an Immigration Bond and How Do I Obtain One?| Speedy Immigration Bonds

Florida immigration bail bonding

List of detention centers that Speedy Immigration Bail Bonds would be able to help you. We are a national immigration bail bonds company.

Krome North Service Processing Center

Krome North Service Processing Center

Miami Field Office

18201 SW 12th Street
Miami, FL 33194
United States

Krome North Service Processing Center

Glades County Detention Center

Glades County Detention Center

Miami Field Office

1297 East SR 78
Moore Haven, FL 33471
United States

Glades County Detention Center

Broward Transitional Center

Broward Transitional Center

Miami Field Office

3900 N. Powerline Road
Pompano Beach, FL 33073
United States

Broward Transitional Center

Baker County Facility

Baker County Facility

Miami Field Office

1 Sheriff’s Office Drive
MacClenny, FL 32063
United States

Baker County Facility