Las fianzas de inmigración son una forma de garantÃa financiera que permite a los individuos enfrentar procesos migratorios en Estados Unidos mientras esperan su resolución legal. Estas fianzas se utilizan para asegurar que los inmigrantes cumplan con las disposiciones legales y comparezcan ante las autoridades correspondientes en las fechas indicadas. Al obtener una fianza de inmigración, se otorga al inmigrante la posibilidad de quedar en libertad condicional mientras se resuelve su caso migratorio.
Immigration Bonds are often necessary for individuals in Miami who have a pending court hearing, have been charged with a crime within the United States, or have had their visa application denied. The cost of Immigration bonds in Miami can range from $1,500 to $25,000 and can be posted by a bail bondsman on behalf of the individual. In some cases, USCIS may require a higher bond amount if they believe there is a risk that the individual will not appear for their court hearings.
In Miami-Dade County, there are two ways to post an immigration bond: Surety or Cash. The cash option requires the entire bond amount to be paid upfront and is typically only used for individuals with criminal convictions on their record or those considered high flight risks. Generally speaking, surety bonds are usually preferred as they allow the individual to pay only 10% to 15% of the total bond amount upfront. At the same time, a bail bondsman covers the remainder of the cost.
Miami is a coastal city, and it is particularly prone to seeing immigrants attempting to enter the country illegally by sea. This has led many of its citizens to be more understanding towards those seeking refuge or asylum within its borders. However, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) ensures that all immigrants follow U.S. law and appear for court hearings when required.
It is important to note that not everyone is eligible for an immigration bond. To be eligible, they must meet specific criteria set forth by ICE. Additionally, the bond amount will vary depending on the individual’s circumstances.
El importe de la fianza lo fija el ICE y se basa en una serie de factores, como los antecedentes penales de la persona, si ha sido deportada anteriormente y si se considera que existe riesgo de fuga.
Si el individuo no se presenta a la audiencia programada, el importe total de la fianza se perderá para el gobierno. En algunos casos, el ICE puede emitir una “orden de detención” para el arresto del individuo, lo que significa que podrÃa ser detenido en cualquier momento
Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido detenido por el ICE, el pago de una fianza de inmigración puede ser su mejor opción para asegurar su liberación. Una fianza de inmigración es un tipo de fianza que garantiza que la persona se presentará a todas las audiencias programadas.