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Author Archives: speedyimmigrationblog

Categories Immigration Bond

How to Get Your Loved One Out of ICE Detention Fast

If ICE has detained your loved one, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure what to do next. The good news is that there is a way to get them out of detention quickly and safely by posting bail. Here’s what you need to know about posting bail for an ICE detainee.

What is an Immigration Bond?
An immigration bond is a type of surety bond that is posted to secure the release of an immigrant who ICE has detained. The bond guarantees that the immigrant will appear for their scheduled court hearings.

There are two types of immigration bonds: delivery and voluntary departure. Delivery bonds are used to secure the release of an immigrant detained pending removal proceedings. Voluntary departure bonds, on the other hand, are used to secure the release of an immigrant who has been granted voluntary departure but is unable to pay for their own transportation out of the country.

How to Post Bail for an ICE Detainee
If you want to post bail for an ICE detainee, you will first need to contact a licensed bail bond company. The bail bond company will then post the bond on behalf of the detainee.

Once the bond has been posted, the detainee will be released from detention and can remain in the United States while their case is pending. It’s important to note that if the detainee fails to appear for their scheduled court hearings, they will forfeit the bond and may be subject to arrest.

If your loved one has been detained by ICE, posting bail is one way to get them out of detention quickly and safely. To post bail, you must contact a licensed bail bond company. Once the bond has been posted, the detainee will be released from detention and can remain in the United States while their case is pending. If you have any questions about posting bail for an ICE detainee or need help finding a reputable bail bond company in your area, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Speedy Immigration Bond. We’re here to help!

How to Get Your Loved One Out of ICE Detention Fast
Categories detention centers

Ice Ero Bond Acceptance Facilities

You may have recently heard about the ICE ERO Bond Acceptance Facilities. These are places where people can go to post bond for a detained individual.

What is an ICE ERO Bond?
An ICE ERO Bond is a type of surety bond posted to secure the release of a detained individual in removal proceedings. The bond is paid to the Department of Homeland Security and is intended to ensure that the individual appears for all scheduled immigration court hearings.

How do I post a bond?
To post a bond, you must first contact an approved surety company. The company will then require basic information about the individual in removal proceedings and payment for the bond premium. Once the bond has been posted, the individual will be released from detention and must appear for all scheduled immigration court hearings.

What happens if the individual does not appear in court?
If the individual does not appear for their scheduled court hearings, the bond will be forfeited, and they will be subject to arrest and detention by ICE. Co-signers on the bond may also be liable for the total amount.

Posting a bond at an ICE ERO Bond Acceptance Facility is one way to secure the release of a detained individual. The process is relatively simple, but it is essential to be aware of the consequences if the individual does not appear for their scheduled court hearings. Understanding how the immigration process works can help ensure your loved one appears for their day in court.

Ice Ero Bond Acceptance Facilities

Categories Immigration Bond

What is an Immigration Bond?

An Immigration Bond is a secure payment made by a third party, typically a family member or close friend of the detained individual, to ensure that the individual will appear for their court hearing. The Immigration Bond, also known as an Alien Bond, is set by US Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) to guarantee the person’s appearance in court proceedings. This bond amount is determined according to the person’s particular circumstances, such as criminal history or prior immigration violations. Once ICE has posted and accepted the bond, they will release the detainee from custody so they can be present at their court hearings.

In addition to providing financial assurance to ICE that they will receive a payment if the detainee fails to appear in court, posting an Immigration Bond can also offer many additional benefits. By paying an Immigration Bond, families have more time together since it can help avoid long-term detention, and individuals may be able to work legally while fighting their case when released on bond. Moreover, individuals may be able to access better legal representation since they will no longer be detained and unable to travel freely.

Immigration Bonds are typically set up through a surety company and require collateral from the person signing the bond. Collateral items may include property deeds, tax returns, and/or personal identification documents such as a driver’s license or passport. In addition, those who sign for an Immigration Bond must also agree to comply with all instructions regarding monitoring imposed by ICE officials if requested. Both parties must understand all provisions within the bond before its execution, as failure to do so could lead to financial loss or even incarceration of either party involved in setting up an Immigration Bond.

What is an Immigration Bond?

Categories immigration bonds

Consulta gratuita en todo el país para los bonos de inmigración

A family with two children is smiling for the camera.

Usted se estará preguntando: “¿Qué es una fianza de inmigración?” Una fianza de inmigración es un tipo de garantía que se requiere para que un inmigrante que ha sido detenido por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos sea liberado de la custodia. La fianza sirve como garantía para el gobierno de que el inmigrante se presentará a sus audiencias judiciales programadas.

Hay dos tipos de fianzas de inmigración: fianzas de entrega y fianzas de salida voluntaria. Las fianzas de entrega se requieren para que un inmigrante que ha sido detenido por el gobierno de los EE.UU. sea liberado de la custodia en espera de sus procedimientos de expulsión. Las fianzas de salida voluntaria no son necesarias, pero pueden comprarse para incentivar a un inmigrante a salir voluntariamente del país en lugar de pasar por el proceso de expulsión.

Si necesita una fianza de inmigración, podemos ayudarle. Ofrecemos consultas gratuitas en todo el país para que pueda obtener la información y la orientación que necesita para tomar la mejor decisión para su situación. Entendemos que este es un momento difícil y estresante, por lo que estamos aquí para ayudar. Llámenos hoy mismo para empezar.

Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita una fianza de inmigración, podemos ayudarle. Ofrecemos consultas gratuitas en todo el país para que pueda obtener la información y la orientación que necesita para tomar la mejor decisión para su situación. Entendemos que este es un momento difícil y estresante, por lo que estamos aquí para ayudar. Llámenos hoy mismo para empezar.

A black background with a white circle in the middle.
Consulta gratuita en todo el país para los bonos de inmigración
Categories immigration bonds

Immigration Bonds in Brooklyn, New York

What is an immigration bond in Brooklyn, New York?
An immigration bond is a type of surety bond required when the government detains an immigrant. The bond promises the government that the immigrant will appear for all scheduled hearings and not flee the country. The government can collect the bond if the immigrant fails to appear or runs.

How do I get an immigration bond?
To get an immigration bond, you must first be detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE will then notify your family or friends that you are in detention and provide them with information on contacting a bondsman. The bondsman will post the bond with ICE, and you will be released from custody.

What are the risks of getting an immigration bond?
If you are released on an immigration bond, you must check in regularly with ICE and attend all scheduled hearings. If you fail, you may forfeit your bond and be subject to arrest and deportation. Additionally, if you flee the country while your case is pending, you will lose your bond and may be subject to criminal charges. Therefore, it is crucial to consider carefully whether or not you should get an immigration bond before making any decisions.

If you face detention by ICE, you may be eligible for release on an immigration bond. An immigration bond is a type of surety bond that requires you to appear for all scheduled hearings and not flee the country. If you fail, you may forfeit your bond and be subject to arrest and deportation. Therefore, it is essential to consider carefully whether or not you should get an immigration bond before making any decisions.

Immigration Bonds in Brooklyn, New York