What is an Immigration Bail Bond? An Immigration Bail Bond is an agreement between Homeland Security, a Co-Signer, and an Agent that the defendant will attend all necessary hearings after being released on bond. This three-party contract guarantees Homeland Security that the illegal immigrant will appear in court on time.
What is an immigration bail bond? It’s a contract between Homeland Security, the defendant, and the bail bond agent. The agent agrees to pay Homeland Security a certain amount if the defendant does not appear in court for any of their scheduled court appearances. The agent will represent the illegal immigrant and ensure they attend their required court dates.
What is an immigration bail bond? An immigration bail bond guarantees Homeland Security that the defendant – an illegal immigrant – will attend all required court appearances after their release on bond. This assurance comes in a three-party contract between Homeland Security, the agent who put up the bond, and the co-signer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bail_in_the_United_States
What is an immigration Bail bond?